Thursday, December 11, 2008

Yay-more from Anonymous!

Well, my best friend Anonymous decided to pay me another visit. Man oh man does this stuff crack me up! Thanks for making me smile!

"Do you understand that your husband is at serious risk for heart disease, stroke and diabetes with his huge weight? I can guarantee that man does not even walk. Must go from his truck to the couch every day, and fill up in donuts, chips and beer all evening. Ah, and Micky D's are probably the choice of restaurant."

"Honey, I don't have to work: I want to work. I do not want to stay home all day. I want to grow professionally and have contact with other people other than 3 kids. What are you going to do when your kids are gone? Watch soaps all day? I would go nuts staying home all day! It is hilarious that you find that a good situation to be in! And what will happen when your husband exchnages you for a younger (and slimmer) version of you? What skills do you have to support yourself? Or are you going to munch on his money than as well?
Furthermore, your assertion that I hate god is hilarious as well because how can I hate something that does not exist and is the product of fairy tales? Do you realize you are teaching false stories to your kids? Propagating lies? If your family is eating healthy, how come all of you except your son is grossly overweight? How unhealthy can that be? How can you compare your knowledge about different subjects with teachers who have master degrees and specializations in their fields? I cannot understand how you can think that by sending your kids to school you won't be able to teach them good values. Of course you can! And good values and morals are not exclusive to religion. The bible is a book of hatred, revenge and written by men hundreds of years ago, in times of ignorance and lack of Science. Jesus was a rebel and a charismatic leader in his days who opposed the corrupt government of those times, and who had a group of followers who later formed a "religion" around his persona. After that, religion has been the biggest source of wars and conflicts in the world. The most prosperous contries are also the most secular. Excess religion=ignorance. Have you read Richard Dawkins' "The God Dellusion"? Have you watched "Religulous"? You are stil young, how come you are so brainwashed? And I did not write anything about bow ties-that was someone else."

Do you understand that your husband is at serious risk for heart disease, stroke and diabetes with his huge weight?

Actually yes I do. And so does he. And so does our doctor....what I am missing is how it's any of your business? Believe it or not, you were not placed on this earth to educate me and my family on how we should be living our lives. Sorry hon, time to live your own life and move on.

I can guarantee that man does not even walk. Must go from his truck to the couch every day, and fill up in donuts, chips and beer all evening. Ah, and Micky D's are probably the choice of restaurant.

You can guarantee that he doesn't even walk? Wow, it just blows me away that someone could actually be so hateful about someone they have never even met. My husband works 60-70 hours a week, on his feet all day. Oh and he doesn't have a truck.

He does not drink alcohol nor does he eat chips and donuts. He actually consumes about 1200 calories a day, mainly organic fruits and veggies. Oh, and we don't eat at McDonald' can ask anyone who knows us about that. We don't even drink soda and haven't for more than a year.

So do you put all fat people in the same general category that we are all slobs who sit around all day doing nothing but eating? You must be super fun to hang out with!

Honey, I don't have to work: I want to work. I do not want to stay home all day. I want to grow professionally and have contact with other people other than 3 kids.

So you assume that I have no other contact with other people throughout my day? I really thought that I had explained otherwise in my other blog post....where I talked about all of the homeschool activities? Maybe you were not paying attention. I do get the feeling that unless it's you talking, you don't really listen to other people. Oh, and that is great you want to grow professionally, but I chose to raise my kids and that is my choice and my right and it has nothing to do with you.

What are you going to do when your kids are gone? Watch soaps all day? I would go nuts staying home all day! It is hilarious that you find that a good situation to be in!

Well, my youngest just turned 6 so there is a lot of time before she's gone. Watch soaps all day? I wish! I don't watch tv during the day, thanks for trying though. I'm sorry that you would feel you would go nuts staying at home with your children all day. But God made us all different, so just because you feel that way doesn't mean all others should too. And it's a great situation! I don't understand the concept of a mother raising her children is so horrible!

And what will happen when your husband exchnages ((You spelled that wrong, and you criticize me for my spelling! haha)) you for a younger (and slimmer) version of you? What skills do you have to support yourself? Or are you going to munch on his money than as well?

Why would my husband trade me in for anyone else? My husband and I are very happily married and always have been. And anyways, what makes you think it would be him to do the trading? lol

What skills do I have? It's not like I have never worked before. And believe it or not, I did go to college when my kids were still being public schooled. So I can quite take care of myself. Munch on his money? You assume because I don't have to work that it means my husband has a lot of money? You are too funny.

Furthermore, your assertion that I hate god is hilarious as well because how can I hate something that does not exist and is the product of fairy tales? Do you realize you are teaching false stories to your kids? Propagating lies?

Well, that is your choice to not believe. You believe it to be lies and false stories. That is your opinion and it has no bearing on my family. Why can't you understand that it is none of your business? You are more than welcome to express your point of view, but the insulting way you go about it just doesn't get your point across. You can't force your belief system down anyone's throat. It is possible to hold a conversation with someone and explain your point of view and then let them decide for themselves what they feel the truth is.

If your family is eating healthy, how come all of you except your son is grossly overweight? How unhealthy can that be?

My son is skinny because he has his father's genes in him. My husband is his step-father. Yeah, believe it or not, genes do come into play when you are talking about someone's weight.

How can you compare your knowledge about different subjects with teachers who have master degrees and specializations in their fields? I cannot understand how you can think that by sending your kids to school you won't be able to teach them good values. Of course you can! And good values and morals are not exclusive to religion.

I'm going to respond a little out of order here. I do not believe that good values and morals are exclusive to religion. I have never thought that way. I grew up with good values and morals and I didn't become a Christian until 4 years ago.

And it's not that I can't teach my kid's these things if they go to school, but you cannot deny that they will also learn habits from other children. There is nothing wrong with me not wanting my children to pick up bad habits from children who I know nothing about.

And if you ever bothered to pick up a textbook, it doesn't take a genius or a degree to teach from it.

The bible is a book of hatred, revenge and written by men hundreds of years ago, in times of ignorance and lack of Science. Jesus was a rebel and a charismatic leader in his days who opposed the corrupt government of those times, and who had a group of followers who later formed a "religion" around his persona. After that, religion has been the biggest source of wars and conflicts in the world. The most prosperous contries are also the most secular. Excess religion=ignorance.

That is your opinion and if you don't like me teaching otherwise to my kid's, then too bad! It's not up to you and it never will be. Get over it. Seriously.

Have you read Richard Dawkins' "The God Dellusion"? Have you watched "Religulous"? You are ((stil)) young, how come you are so brainwashed? And I did not write anything about bow ties-that was someone else.

No I have not read or watched either. Did you ever think that someone like me might think that you are brainwashed and I have a tremendous amount of sympathy for you. I am sorry that you do not believe in the greatness of God. He has touched my life numerous times and I am grateful for everything He has given to me.

Ok, thanks for telling me about the bows...same response to whoever left that comment.


Holly said...


I think it's hilarious that you are pretty much stalking must have NO LIFE!!!! You seriously need to get one! I will pray for you. I am sorry you are so unhappy with yourself that you have to be so hateful to someone you don't even know. And what a coward you are, you can't even tell her who you are.

Cortni, I love you, you are so full of grace in your responses to this hateful hateful person. YOU GO GIRL!! :)

Anonymous said...

In your dellusion, you think it was god who gave you this and that instead of yourself/your hard work/your parents? So this god of yours talks to you? He prefers you to other folks? The same god who killed thousands of innocent kids in the tsunami? So your god is better than the Muslim god or the Zoroastran god or the Scientology guy? And you also believe in heavern and hell and that humans came from one couple and that the whole planet was created in one week? Why don't you at least TRY to read another point of view instead of being brainwashed by a corrupt local pastor who thumps the bible than has sex with the church secretary or is secretly gay while driving his Mercedes Benz bought with the money of the innocent and naive and low educated folks who come to his "church" and leave 10% of their hard working money in exchange for a slot in heaven, ha ha, how can people fall for that? People with low IQ, people with an IQ under 110, 100!
Open your mind by seeing both signs of the coin:

Take a look and start thinking!

Anonymous said...

Holly, I love life and I am very happy. It saddens me to see someone raising her kids to become ignorant and bigoted and to have future health problems.

Please don't pray for me! You will be wasting your time. No one is hearing!! I can take care of myself-and so should you.

Cortni said...

Thanks Holly! I can't believe that I have my very own cyber-stalker! I mus be so darn special! lol