I'm Cortni and this is my blog, or shall I say ramblings about the everyday life of me and my family.
Nice to meet you!!
I love my family, friends, reading, baking, anything artsy fartsy and of course, blogging. I made this blog for me but if you want to read it, feel free....but at least leave me some comments. I like comments.
You can email me at TexasBowChick@gmail.com
Hey! These people follow my blog! Aren't they cool? YEP!!
Today was the first day of school. Anthony is going into 7th, Emma is going into 3rd and Sara is in Kindergarten. All 3 of them were really excited this morning.
Emma and her teacher.
Sara was not happy. She is soooo shy if she is in a new situation or doesn't know you. She was not pleased at all with being at school once we got inside.
I got her to smile!
Sara and her teacher. She seemed really nice and I think that Sara is going to have a great year!
"Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon."
"It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it." ~Julia Child
"When I'm at a Chinese restaurant having a hard time with chopsticks, I always hope that there's a Chinese kid at an American restaurant somewhere who's struggling mightily with a fork." ~Rick Budinich
that last picture of Emma she is really not happy, looks like she is about to cry but if you don't know she's mad is looks really pretty --- go figure
You mean Sara...get my children straight woman!
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